If anything is contesting with your first love for God, this is the time to make adjustments and return to Him.
If anything is contesting with your first love for God, this is the time to make adjustments and return to Him.
When you begin to respond to God’s love, you earn His trust. Responding to the love of God is loving Him in return. Mind you, the acid test of loving God is obeying His commandments.
Belonging to the Father makes us heirs of all things, and joint heirs with Christ. Revelation of God as your Father can transform your life, ending all struggles and apprehension.
God is always ready to extend mercy to the wayward, but He expects that they don’t continue in their foolish and wicked ways. We must never take the mercy of God for a license to continue in wrongdoing.
A timely step by her eventually brought Solomon to the throne. Nathan prompted her to remind the king of his earlier promise to make Solomon the king.
everybody is in one battle or another…Your lifting may be in your battles; so do not despair, and never give up.
Jesus is the Great Deliverer who came to save the world from sin and Satan. Jesus also came as a Nazarene and was popularly known as Jesus of Nazareth.
If you truly believe, you will obey God even before all the facts are in. The chief evidence of faith is obedience.
There is no way we can radiate the beauty and power of Christ without maturity.
A spiritually maturing person is less judgmental and more accommodating. He or she has imbibed the admonition of scripture to bear with all men and be forgiving.