Jehovah jireh was the name that Abraham gave to the place he had encountered God. Two things occurred on that mount. Firstly, he received Isaac back to life in a figure. Secondly, He saw the miraculous provision of God. The literal meaning of the name is Jehovah will see to it. That must have grown out of the confidence that Abraham had in God. Earlier when Isaac sought clearance on the lamb for the sacrifice, he replied by saying that God would provide Himself a lamb. Indeed God came through for Abraham. From that experience he could say that God would always see to whatever is committed to Him. We too can be sure that the Lord will see to it that every genuine need of our life is provided for.
We cannot put God in a straightjacket, asking Him to meet our needs certain way. Always be open in your mind for the uncommon acts of God.
God’s provision on the mount stirs another lesson. The lamb that was used for the sacrifice was reportedly caught in the thicket. That was an unlikely place to find a lamb. As much as we know, lambs are domesticated animals; they are not found in the wild. How did this one get there? Well, it only proves that God delights in meeting our needs in uncommon ways. At the wedding feast in Galilee, they ran out of wine. Jesus asked them to fill the water pots with water which He later turned to wine. Those pots were not even used to store drinking water; they were only for ceremonial cleansing. From that unusual source they not only had their wine replenished, but they tasted the best wine they had ever known. We cannot put God in a straightjacket, asking Him to meet our needs certain way. Always be open in your mind for the uncommon acts of God.