As the famine was biting harder in the land, Ahab went in search of Elijah. His intention was not known; but anyone’s guess will be as good as another’s. It could be either to punish him or make him reverse the trend. The New King James version of this verse used the word “hunt” instead of “seek”. In his search for Elijah, he went to every nation and every kingdom in sight. Everyone returned the same verdict of not knowing the whereabouts of the prophet. To press the case, he made them swear to uphold their claim. Oaths were taken seriously in those days. So we know that those nations earnestly did not know where the prophet was. Question: Where was Elijah? A casual answer would be Cherith and later Zarephath but there is more to it. People knew there was a brook at Cherith. That also must have been one of the places they went in search of water and pasture. Yet, nobody saw Elijah. The truth was that God Himself hid the prophet!
“Jesus gave assurances of protection to His disciples when He sent them to preach…His assignment for our lives is enough reason for Him to keep us from all harm”
The Bible says we are the apple of His eyes. While we are busy serving the cause of His kingdom, He knows exactly how to preserve us from wicked and unreasonable men. Jesus gave assurances of protection to His disciples when He sent them to preach. His illustration was apt. The sparrows are two a dime. Even at that, no hunter, no matter how skilful, can bring one down without the knowledge of the Father who is the Creator of all things. We are of greater value than all the sparrows of this world. His assignment for our lives is enough reason for Him to keep us from all harm.