There is a saying that the devil is in the details. I learned that firsthand when we were putting up a makeshift structure for our church in Lagos, Nigeria. In our discussions with the contractor, we had verbally agreed on a structure that would be made of glass on the two entrances while the two rears would be of blocks. That would give us L-Glass plus L-Block outlook. However, when he sent us the quote, he provided for 1.6 meters of glass sitting on top of blocks all around. I didn’t observe that then. By the time I spotted it, there was a cost variation of about N2.4m. When that additional cost was adopted, a review of the invoice was sent to me, however, I did not read it until the following morning. After prayer, the Holy Spirit told me to check the invoice. It was then that I discovered that item 5 on the original quote which was the lining of the tent had been removed. I immediately protested. After a long debate, he revised the invoice and included the lining but with an additional cost of N1.2m. I strongly protested against that and after much deliberation, he agreed to include the lining at no extra cost. The lesson here is to pay attention to details.
God gives attention to details. When He asked Noah to build an ark, He did not leave him to figure out the details.
God gives attention to details. When He asked Noah to build an ark, He did not leave him to figure out the details. He specified the wood to use as well as its dimensions. He also stipulated where to set the door. A vessel that withstood a flood of water for several months must have been an engineering feat. Had Noah compromised the details given by God, he probably would have drowned alongside the wicked. Whether for a divine task or your personal enterprise, seek God for details and follow through. It is by following divine details that things turn out glorious.