When God fed His people in the wilderness, He sent them manna which they gathered everyday. Every time they had their fill, the sun dissolved the rest and they had to wait till the following day for new stock. That account reminds me of an experience that I had long ago. I once stayed in a hotel in our nation’s capital. Each of the rooms was equipped with a courtesy mini-bar. On arrival, you are greeted with courtesy drinks and snacks. Daily, the refrigerator was to be stocked with those basic things as provided in the hotel’s list of protocol. But there was this little notice fixed to the door of the refrigerator, and I didn’t quite see that until my second day at the place. In effect, the notice read that the bar would not be stocked if the previous day supply had not been consumed by 12 noon.
If we do not know that God is interested in stocking us everyday with His blessing, we will not be able to take advantage of what is rightly ours.
A few things strike me from this. I am reminded of our text which speaks of God loading us with benefits everyday. The Bible says the compassion of the Lord does not cease; and His mercies never come to an end. He makes them new every morning (Lamentation 3:22-23). Believers are to be conscious of God’s daily provision. If we do not know that God is interested in stocking us everyday with His blessing, we will not be able to take advantage of what is rightly ours. Unlike the hotel, however, God does not withdraw what He has given us simply because we did not claim it before noon. What He gives, He gives! The moment God releases something to us, He keeps prompting and leading us until we come to a point of awareness. His Spirit eggs us on until we lay a hold on our benefits. The Father’s good pleasure is that our joy is full by possessing what has been packed in redemption for us.