The book of Hebrews describes angels as ministering spirits. Their specialty is to assist believers who are heirs of God’s Kingdom. To start with, how powerful are these angels? For a clue, we find that in 2 Kings 19:35, one angel single handedly killed 185,000 persons in the camp of the Assyrians! This goes to prove the first part of our text that angels excel in strength. How will it feel to know that such powerful beings are at your service? You feel important, no doubt. You will also come away with the understanding that there is no hold barred for you. It is heartwarming to note that the angels are innumerable. So God has more than enough of them to deploy at a moment’s notice to help His children.
The big question is how to get the angels to work for us. This is what the second part of our text is focused on. Angels are accustomed to doing God’s word and heeding to His voice. The word of God is the “push” button for the angels. You can’t get them to act some other ways. This brings up again the importance of speaking God’s word. In our previous meditation, we learned we should not kick at darkness; rather we are to turn on the light. This light is the word of God which dispels every form of darkness. So by the word we overcome the darkness; and by the word we solicit the services of angels. You can’t get them to act otherwise. If you speak words that are inconsistent with the word of God, you keep the angels at arm’s length. Let the word of God be your meditation night and day; and speak it boldly in the face of all situations.