Apart from deliverance from the power of Satan and ignorance which we covered in the last two days, it is equally important to be delivered from the opinion and pressures of people. King Saul cut across as a favoured man who blew away his chance. He was God’s number one pick when Israel agitated for a king. He was looking for the lost asses of his father when the throne was presented to him on a platter. Did he manage things well? No; he failed God on several occasions. On the surface he appeared to be a reserved person. We see this in the fact that even when Samuel had anointed him with oil, he was still hiding away from public glare. However, he exhibited a trait that portrayed him as being in captivity to the people he was chosen to govern. He tried to pander to their every dictate at the expense of God’s instruction. He fell from grace because he preferred people’s approval rating to God’s endorsement.
Like Saul, many people are held in bondage of what others feel or think about them. We do things in a certain way or dress in a certain way just to meet people’s expectations of us. This is one area of deliverance that is necessary if you must possess your possession and retain them afterwards. When God called Paul to be an apostle, one of the things that He promised him was to deliver him from the people to whom he was sent. Without deliverance from people you will not be able to serve God acceptably.