Regardless of how you define it, ‘blessing’ is usually a recurrent request on the prayer list of most believers. That is understandable going by the scripture that says it is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. What most people fail to realize is the fact that responsibilities are often attached to blessings. Hardly will God give you a blessing without giving you a matching responsibility. Take another look at our text. God blessed man. This is clear enough by asking him to “be fruitful and multiply; and fill the earth”. Going forward from there is a list of responsibilities. To subdue the earth and have dominion are responsibilities. To subdue means to bring under. It is clear from here that the earth had been in some form of rebellion against God. The man was to subdue the earth by aligning it with the principles of God. To have dominion is to rule. Rulership, indeed, is a huge responsibility.
To have dominion is to rule. Rulership, indeed, is a huge responsibility. The point is this: whenever you are asking God for a blessing, ask in addition for the responsibilities that are attached.
The point is this: whenever you are asking God for a blessing, ask in addition for the responsibilities that are attached. Those who are asking for the blessing of marriage, for instance, must be ready to perform the duties of marriage. If a man is not willing to love or a woman is not ready to submit, they have no business asking God for a partner. Similarly, those asking for children must know that it is their sole responsibility to bring them up in the fear of the Lord. Jesus healed a madman in Gadara. That was a huge blessing. Shortly after that, He commissioned the man to go and broadcast what the Lord has done. The only way to keep enjoying a blessing is to keep performing the duties attached.