On May 14 this year, the authorities in charge of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) pulled down a magnificent building in Abuja. Judging from the sheer grandeur of the house, it must have cost hundreds of millions to erect. Bringing down that building sent tongues wagging, majority blaming the authorities for such ruins. To correct the misgiving and douse tension, a spokesman for the ministry had to explain the circumstances leading to their action. Firstly, they noted that the house was built on a super highway known as M-16. Though it has not been built, it is nonetheless in their drawing board. So the building was an obstruction. Secondly, the owner did not obtain building plan approval before construction. He probably thought that in the typical way of influential people, he could smuggle his way through. Finally, the authorities said that they had warned him on several occasions to stop construction but he refused.
That development threw up for me Paul’s writing to the Corinthians about our stewardship. He likened himself to a wise master builder who had laid the foundation. Everyone is then invited to build on this foundation. What each person builds will constitute their work; and it will be tested by fire someday. Whatever is built with inferior materials will be destroyed; only those built with precious stones, silver, and gold will stand and attract reward. As in the case of the demolished building, I believe that anything we do, no matter how appealing, if it obstructs others is futile. Again, whatever we do on the frolics of our will without divine authorization stands to be destroyed. Our Christian duty must be done with the end in mind. Let us build to last.