The name of the Lord is a weapon of war. David knew that much when he stood before the towering Philistine called Goliath. He observed that though Goliath came with sword and spear, he had the name of the Lord. The name of the Lord is a defence, as our text
clearly shows. Calling on the Lord’s name can shield from evil machinations. There is a caveat, though. It is not all who mention the name of the Lord that are protected. Presumably, the seven sons of Sceva used the name of Jesus like Paul and came out worse for it. Proverbs 1:33 reveals the secret to the effectual use of God’s name. “But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.” (KJV). The secret is in hearkening to the Lord.
“Listening and obeying God’s voice is the safeguard against the power of darkness.”
What does it mean to hearken? The word “hearken” matches our modern use of the word ‘listen’. It is only those who listen to the Lord that can engage His name to good use. This throws up some thoughts. To listen is more than taking in information intelligently. It implies obedience. In other words, only those who take God’s instructions and follow through with obedience can experience deliverance and blessing. Listening and obeying God’s voice is the safeguard against the power of darkness.