Elijah sat under the tree, weary, until God showed up. What was the first treatment God gave to the weary prophet? God sent an angel to feed him twice. He ate angels’ food! So supernatural was the food that he gathered enough strength from it to make a 40-day trek to Mount Horeb. Simply put, Elijah fed on grace! If you are weak and weary you don’t have to give up. Just ask God to give you of this diet.
“Simply put, Elijah fed on grace! If you are weak and weary you don’t have to give up. Just ask God to give you of this diet…The good news is that God’s grace is endless; you can always ask for more.”
I remember when one of my sons asked to know what keeps me motivated. I gave him three clues. First is a sense of responsibility. That is what keeps a driver awake when all the passengers are fast asleep. A sense of responsibility will deal a deadly blow to inertia. Second, the personal vision and goals that I set keep me moving. I have a target to reach before I get to certain age limit. When I consider how close I am to the target date and how far I am from my goals, I cannot afford any lull in activity. Third, and most important is the grace of God. There is a steady diet of grace one feeds on daily. This brings renewal of strength and zeal to carry on even in unpleasant seasons. Everyone who is involved in kingdom exploits will tell you how conspicuous grace has been in their journey. I believe that you have enjoyed your fair share of grace, but maybe you did not realise it. Have you been through any difficult time in your life and after all you asked, “How on earth did I make it through?” If your answer is yes, then you fed on diet of grace at such moment. The good news is that God’s grace is endless; you can always ask for more.