Nicodemus means “victorious among his people” and it seems that he lived out the true meaning of his name. He was chief among the Pharisees. By coming to Jesus, a step that an average Pharisee would never contemplate, he was indeed victorious among them. Nicodemus was mentioned in three places in John’s gospel. We mentioned the first occasion in our meditation yesterday. He came to Jesus by night as an inquirer into the way of salvation. It is clear that at that stage, saving grace was at work in his life. The next mention of him is recorded in John 7. It was when opinion was divided about Jesus. Some marveled at the gracious words of Jesus, while others roundly condemned Him. It was then that Nicodemus quipped in something that revealed his growing faith. “Nicodemus (he who came to Jesus by night, being one of them) said to them, “Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?”” John 7:50-51 NKJV.
Finally, Nicodemus came up for mention again preparatory to Jesus’ burial. He brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes. This exceptional man shows us progression in faith walk. He started as an inquirer, a fearful one at that. He moved on to becoming a defender of Christ. Finally, he spent his resources on Christ. At this time he was willing to put his money where his mouth was. Apostle Paul spoke in commendation of the Thessalonians because of their faith which was growing “exceedingly” (2 Thessalonians 1:3). Those who are growing in their faith demonstrate that fear has to give way to confidence, they have to defend the truth of the gospel, and be ready to spend and be spent.