Where can one get the assurance of help? It is in divine presence. The stories of two men called by God will help to convey the necessity of divine presence. The first was Moses. He was a fugitive in the land of Midian. He also had a speech impediment. When God called him he recoiled, complaining that he was not eloquent. What was God’s response to him? “Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.”” Exodus 4:12 NKJV. The second person was Gideon. When he was called, he told God a litany of things why he wasn’t a suitable candidate. He was young, the least in his family. The family was poor and among the least tribe in Israel. How did God handle his complaints? “And the LORD said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.”” Judges 6:16 NKJV
the divine presence has always been the compensation for personal inadequacies. The moment we come to terms with our inadequacies and fall back on God, His divine presence takes over.
For these men and countless others down the centuries, the divine presence has always been the compensation for personal inadequacies. It takes divine presence to execute divine mandate. You cannot accomplish a purpose given by God by relying on human expertise. It won’t take long when we all come to our wits’ end and realize that we are just humans, full of shortcomings. However, that does not necessarily have to stop us from accomplishing great things in life. The moment we come to terms with our inadequacies and fall back on God, His divine presence takes over. Even for the Lord Jesus Christ, the presence of God was the secret of His exploits. No man can fulfill his mission without divine backing.