The hallmark of the life of a believer is the fruit of the Spirit. After making a long list of the works of the flesh and the terrible consequences that follow those who go their way, Paul provided the opposite, which is the fruit of the Spirit. This is a list of what ought to characterize the life of anyone who truly professes the name of Jesus. The first on the list is love. That is immediately followed by joy. The joy of believers has little to do with their material positions. It also has nothing to do with the absence of tough times. Were it to be so, someone like Paul would never have known joy. In our past meditation, we noticed how he triumphed over unjust imprisonment, deprivations, and persecutions. He would later write to the Philippians to rejoice always. His warrant to write such admonition came from the fact that joy was a part of his life.
What will turn that potential joy to real life experience is becoming yielded to every move by the Spirit.
Essentially, joy comes from the Holy Spirit. The same Paul wrote to the Romans and enumerated the key elements of the Kingdom of God. “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 NKJV. Take note that the joy is derived from the Holy Spirit and not any physical realities. If you have the Holy Spirit in your life, you have joy – at least potentially. What will turn that potential joy to real life experience is becoming yielded to every move by the Spirit. The Spirit is there to teach and guide, correct and control, convict and comfort. If you let Him have the right of way, you are sure to find joy in God.