In our previous meditation we learned of the absurdity of losing faith in God on account of unanswered prayer. We cited the fact that people don’t give up on medicine or hospital because of some casualties. The world of aviation has also recorded some accidents but people have not given up on flying. When accidents occur, the experts wade in to find causes of such disaster and look for ways to avoid future occurrences; but they don’t throw up their hands in defeat and frustration. That brings us back to our dealings with God. There are times things happen that defy both logic and expectations. We have come across people who for certain disappointments grew cold in their love for God.
“It was only a matter of time before God turned his captivity around; his latter end was more glorious than the beginning. Learn to judge God faithful; and He will turn all things around to your advantage.
The opening verses in the book of Job proved his religious piety. He hated evil and made sacrifices often. Those sacrifices would pass for our concept of prayer today. One could argue that Job did not deserve the series of disheartening news that came his way. He encountered losses ranging from business to children and then his health. The big lesson is that none of those losses affected his perspective of God. He kept the image of a good God all through the trying period. As our text says, He did not sin or charge God foolishly. He did not question the reality of God either. He almost went overboard when he declared, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him…” (Job 13:15, NKJV). This shows the level of confidence Job had in his God. It was only a matter of time before God turned his captivity around; his latter end was more glorious than the beginning. Learn to judge God faithful; and He will turn all things around to your advantage.