One of the names of God is Jehovah Rapha. That simply translates to the Lord who heals. Then we have Jesus describing Himself as the resurrection and the life. Both redemptive titles have significance. At a very advanced age, Abraham and Sarah received the promise of a child. They laughed it off as something ludicrous, and they could be forgiven. According to scripture, the biological functions responsible for reproduction were dead in the couple. In any case they had found a palliative alternative in Ishmael. God stepped in dramatically to alter their body systems. He healed them both and they became happy parents to the child of promise. It can be said that God gave them anti-ageing treatment that revitalized their systems. Theirs was not the only example of such. Naaman also got that treatment. After he dipped himself in Jordan water seven times as the prophet stipulated, his skin came back fresh as it were the skin of a baby! (2 Kings 5:14).
“…they shifted their focus from what their body was telling them to what God was saying. Make the switch today; focus on what God is saying in the face of other contrary opinion.”
God has not run short of this “medication” in His pharmacy. He can preserve your body from undue decay, keep you strong and alive until you take the mountain of inheritance that He has reserved for you. Besides, God can reverse every wrong in your life. What is required is a heart that can take God at His word. Though Abraham and Sarah first laughed at what they considered preposterous, they soon kissed their unbelief goodbye and embraced the promise of God. From that moment on they shifted their focus from what their body was telling them to what God was saying. Make the switch today; focus on what God is saying in the face of other contrary opinion.