The past two meditations stressed the importance of keeping God’s word on our lips. By it we drive away the hordes of darkness and solicit angelic services. There is great power in confessing the words of God. Actually, Christianity is otherwise known as profession or confession. We already indicated yesterday that filling our mouths with God’s word will move angels to work for us. This is in addition to the fact that speaking God’s word will save us from idle words and all their attendant dangers. One may ask: “Is this a failure-proof process? Can we be sure that at whatever time we have His words on our lips angels will be at our beck and call?” Our meditation today introduces a caveat.
It is clear that God’s word is to be on the lips. The mouth should make bold to declare the covenant of God. But this liberty does not apply to the wicked. God is here challenging the temerity of the wicked to use His word to advantage. God’s word only works for those who have covenanted themselves for holy living. This is similar to what we said when we discussed praying to access divine secrets. Then we noted that prayer alone will not do the job, except it be in the context of righteousness. The righteous alone can access secrets; they alone can speak God’s word to great effect. Both our confessions and the use of believer’s authority are only effective in the context of right living. Those who want to engage the power of God without the requisite life of righteousness put themselves at risk. The seven sons of Sceva are a good example of this.