If you really want a true measure of life, seek it in the context of mission. Mission is what gives meaning to life. One cannot read the gospels and miss the importance of mission. Jesus exemplified the fact that it is either mission or nothing. Let’s learn a few things about mission from the life of the Master. Firstly, the reason we came into the world constitutes our mission. When Pilate probed if He was a king, here was His reply: “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”” John 18:37 NLT. It was not as if Jesus realized His mission at the 11th hour. He had always known why He came into the world. At the tender age of 12, He was found in the temple in the company of teachers of the law. He told His foster parents even then that He must be about His Father’s business.
Secondly, Jesus distanced Himself from everything unconnected to His mission. He demonstrated the importance of focus all the time. One man asked Him to come and sort out a dispute regarding family estate. He dodged it, claiming He was not sent to be a judge or divider of properties. Again, the people were about to forcefully make Him king; He also dodged that. His attitude is a glowing testimony to the fact that broken focus can dilute mission. Thirdly, Jesus knew when His mission had been accomplished. “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” (John 17:4 NKJV). Though several attempts had been made on His life, none succeeded because He still had an outstanding mission. It was only when the work was done that He yielded up Himself. Finally, Jesus ensured the continuity of mission by recruiting and training men to replace Him. Following in the footsteps of Jesus with regards to mission will guarantee a rich, full life.