God wouldn’t mind doing something new on behalf of those who put their trust in Him. A sister was awarded a contract to supply some items running into millions, and she had about a week to execute it. That same week, she had to spend three days attending to a crucial family matter, thereby cutting down on the time needed to raise the necessary funds. All I could do was pray that God would raise help for her. As the day was closing in on her, she got a prompting to approach the boss of the company that gave her the contract. She asked them to pay her upfront to be able to execute the contract! Talk about audacity! The boss told her that in the history of the company, no contractor had been paid up front. He, however, ordered the accounts department to pay her. She received full payment! It was their money she used to execute their contract! The company started a new thing with her, at the prompting of God of course.
“Water in the desert is an improbable thing, but here God promised rivers! …When we combine audacious faith with obedience to God’s leading, there is nothing impossible.”
In our passage of Scripture for meditation, God promised to do a new thing. He compared the uniqueness of what He would do to making a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Water in the desert is an improbable thing, but here God promised rivers! This is a testimony to God’s supernatural ability that can make all things possible. Let us learn to follow the Spirit of God as He might lead. Never mind that it seems ridiculous. Don’t be cowed that something has not been done before. God may choose to make you a trailblazer. When we combine audacious faith with obedience to God’s leading, there is nothing impossible.