Several factors lead to success in life, but the most basic is to set out. Nothing gets done unless there is first a setting out. In other words, until you begin a thing you don’t get to see its glorious fulfilment. However, setting out does not automatically guarantee final accomplishment. Setting out is a necessary condition for success but not a sufficient condition. After setting out you have to stay through. Solomon set out to build the temple and stayed through. That took seven years to achieve. Anything of worth takes time. You can’t succeed in a hurry!
” Anything of worth takes time. You can’t succeed in a hurry!…Those who are striving for success in a godly way must always remember this fact of scripture, that those who believe shall not make haste. Undue hurry comes with worries and regrettable steps.”
Many people give up easily when they don’t see immediate, corresponding results to their efforts. They erroneously subscribe to the idea of quick fixes. They think you can microwave your way to success and prominence. Such a frame of mind is a pointer to their ignorance of facts of history. Both in the Bible and the contemporary world, people usually attain significance as they bide their time. Joseph carried a dream in his heart and it did not come to manifestation until after 13 years. David first got the inkling of becoming king as a teenager. He also did not see that come to pass until he was 30 years of age. Those who are striving for success in a godly way must always remember this fact of scripture, that those who believe shall not make haste. (Isaiah28:16). Undue hurry comes with worries and regrettable steps.