For the third time in a row, we are returning to the same text. This verse describes three different groups of people. You have the unruly who should be warned, the feeble minded who should be comforted, and then the weak. What is Paul’s recommended treatment for the weak? They are to be given support. From this, it is safe to say that the weakness in this context is not that of mind or body; it is more of people with low financial standing. The Greek word translated as support is also translated as “to care for”.
The early Church had a robust welfare system. Those who were well off materially sold their possessions and brought the proceeds to the apostles who distributed to everybody according to their needs. When Paul received his mandate as an apostle to the gentiles, the pillars of the Church like Peter and James gave him their blessing. However, they asked him to be mindful of the poor. I believed this guided Paul in his ministry as he severally made collections for distribution among the poor brethren. The ministry of support is not outdated, as the weak are not extinct from the fold. Attention should still be given to help the poor both at individual and corporate levels. The big challenge is how to separate those who are poor due to circumstances and those who are in their miserable state by choice. For example, those able bodied individuals who refuse to put their brain and hands to any creative venture are poor by choice. Neither you nor the Church should feel obligated towards them. Paul said in another place that those who would not work should not eat either. I believe he said that because of those who would want to take undue advantage of the Church’s welfare system. There is no room for idleness in God’s house.