Certain things can pass for mistreatment of God’s word. Failure to read it is one of them. Of course, the reasons people give for neglecting the word are legion. Many say that they don’t have the time. Joyce Meyer said, “‘Busy’ is the disease of the twenty-first century”. No one can agree less; only we must add that it is a self-inflicted disease that does not require any external remedy. If we are busy to the extent of not having time for the word, it only shows that we have not prioritized it. People always find time for what they consider important. Meditation is one notch higher than reading. It is part of the success formula that God gave to Joshua at the beginning of his career. Those who do not read the word of God have nothing tangible to meditate on.
“The formula has four components – read, meditate, speak, and obey…God’s word is still as powerful today as at any other time in history; only that the power is reserved for those who obey.”
Perhaps, no mistreatment of God’s word is as bad as not obeying the message contained in it. Every word of God has a divine message to communicate. No word is ever given to tickle our fancy; it is to be obeyed. Though there is a measure of blessing that comes with just reading it, the fullness of its power and blessing are reserved for those who obey. Earlier, we mentioned that God gave a blueprint for success to Joshua. He was to meditate in the word, speak it daily, and make a practice of its provision. The formula has four components – read, meditate, speak, and obey. This provision is still valid today. From our text, we understand that hearing the word without living by its dictates is an exercise in self-delusion. God’s word is still as powerful today as at any other time in history; only that the power is reserved for those who obey.