At the Red Sea, the children of Israel murmured and challenged Moses’ leadership. They wondered why he had to bring them out of Egypt. They seemed to suffer from temporary amnesia. They were the ones who cried to God for deliverance because of oppression. When they faced the Red Sea, they wanted to return to bondage. They did not know that the seeming dead end or death trap was pre-planned. Our text shows us that God chose the route to the sea. That was the more probable of the two alternatives. Though longer, it was surer. Now, if they contemplated going back when faced with the least obstacle, it can only be left to the imagination what they could have done had they gone the more difficult route.
Their mistake was that they treated as an emergency what God scheduled for their progress. When we take God’s plan as an emergency, we become panicky. For a child of God, everything God allows will add up ultimately. While we may not know where, when, or how, God will make all things beautiful for His children.