While the Bible did not state how long Peter was held before his freedom, we can hazard a guess. Acts 12:3 tells us that his arrest was in the Days of Unleavened Bread. That was the time of the annual Passover Feast. If he was arrested at the beginning of the feast then we are looking at a week. The important thing is that the Church prayed long enough to draw heaven’s attention. It is equally important that God came on time to frustrate the wicked counsel of Herod. Ours is to remain faithful in prayer. God will show up at the perfect time. We should keep in mind that God alone is the Master Time-Keeper. He will never come one minute late in our affairs.
God will show up at the perfect time. We should keep in mind that God alone is the Master Time-Keeper. He will never come one minute late in our affairs.
With just a few more hours to spend on earth by Herod’s calculation, Peter was found sleeping! How could a man in such circumstance find sleep at all? He probably thought, “Since this might be the last night on earth, I might as well make the most of it”. The Bible describes it as the peace of God that goes beyond all understanding. Only those who have entrusted their all to God can enjoy such peace. They know that if their earthly life continues, it is service for the Kingdom; and if it is over, it is but an entry to their eternal reward. Whatever happens, for a child of God, it is a win-win situation.