There is no way we can meaningfully preach or practice the gospel of Jesus without the fruit of the Spirit. Our text speaks of at least two ways by which the Macedonian church manifested the fruit of the Spirit. Firstly, the apostle talked about their ‘’great trial of affliction’’. That must have called for long-suffering, an identifiable fruit of the Spirit. Then he spoke about ‘the riches of their liberality’’. Though they were generally poor in financial and material standing, they had a rich attitude! By their rich attitude, they were able to minister to the need of others despite their poverty. Their example means we don’t have to wait until everything is perfect around us before we impact others. Begin right now; and with what you have. Who can tell, it could be in the course of reaching out to others that God will bring the much awaited change into your life.
There are those who will not make sense of our doctrine; but they can never discountenance our kind deeds towards them.
This brings to mind the catchy saying by an anonymous author: “Preach the gospel, where necessary use words”. One is immediately impressed by the fact that the gospel of Jesus essentially is not in words only but actions. This was the point we stressed in our previous meditation, the need to preach the gospel through kind deeds. What we need to add to that is that we do not have to have a huge fortune or steal to do this. There are those who will not make sense of our doctrine; but they can never discountenance our kind deeds towards them. In the words of Peter, there are people who cannot be won by words; but a little kindness shown to them can make them positively disposed to the message of the Cross.