In different portions of God’s word, we are instructed to be circumspect with regards to the words of our mouths. A line in Proverbs considers unguarded speaking utter foolishness. It claims that there is more hope for a fool than for anyone who lacks control over his or her words. A painful aspect of Moses’ career was his inability to lead Israel into the Promised Land. That was attributed to the ill-advised words of his mouth. Jesus warned against the tendency of loose talks. According to Him, words that do not add value or worse still reduce value are idle words. Words are powerful; they make or mar. This is why Jesus enjoined His disciples to be careful of what they hear. So powerful are words that Jesus said people would be judged based on their words on the last day.
How do we guard against vain words? The only way is to stick to the word of God which is quick and powerful. Every word we hear or choose to speak should be weighed by the word of God. Ironically the devil tries to ridicule the word of God with high sounding persuasions. We recall that Pharaoh had, at one time, called the words of God vain. The people of Israel were not deterred; and eventually the word of God came through for them. If you hold on to the word, every other pretence will bow at the end.