A close examination of what Paul listed here as fruit of the Spirit will show that they are actually rules of engagement in our dealings with people. For instance, in what ways can man show kindness to God? Or be gentle towards Him? How can a man exercise self-control towards the Almighty? These things will not make sense at all if they were to be directed towards God; but they make perfect sense when engaged in human community. What we must quickly add at this point is that these things cannot be produced by sheer force of the will of man. Human beings have no intrinsic ability of their own to produce such effect. By nature, we are all selfish; and selfishness does not accommodate kindness. It is by God’s help alone that we can touch lives positively. Changes come through observing the Word of God and by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.
“Those who want the Spirit to produce the fruit through them must learn how to constantly give Him the right of way.”
The lead Scripture for our meditation listed both kindness and goodness as part of the fruit of the Spirit. They are contra-distinguished from the works of the flesh which Paul recorded in preceding verses. No fruit of the Spirit can be produced by the will of man; they are the outgrowth of the internal workings of the grace of God. In order for the fruit to be manifested, we must be totally yielded to the activities of God’s Spirit in our lives. Yesterday, we learned how not to grieve the Holy Spirit through a pattern of disobedience to His leadings. Those who want the Spirit to produce the fruit through them must learn how to constantly give Him the right of way.