George Mueller of Bristol lived from 27 September 1805 to 10 March 1898. He established Ashley Down orphanage and catered for over 10,000 orphans in his lifetime. He was a man of prayer and deep faith. He constantly sought to know the will of God on every issue. Mueller established a rule of thumb concerning his activities. It was said of him concerning any proposed measure, that he would normally ask three probing questions: ‘’Is this the Lord’s work?” ‘’Is this the Lord’s way?” ‘’Is this the Lord’s time?” For Mueller, it did not suffice to go after good work alone; it has to be the Lord’s work. Beyond knowing that it is the Lord’s work, he would not compromise the means of achieving it; neither would he run ahead of God’s schedule. No wonder he did great works and he continues to inspire till today.
“No great life is achieved by accident… Those without rules of life can hardly end up being rulers.”
‘’Mueller’s rule’’ will be beneficial for everyone whose sole aim is to please the Lord. You don’t want to jump into anything without first knowing if it is advantageous to God’s cause one way or another. Beyond that, you want to know that the cause you are undertaking falls within the ‘’kairos’’ moment – the most opportune time ordained by God for it. This is essential in the light of scripture that says He makes all things beautiful in His time. Finally, whether we call it ‘’Mueller’s rule’’ or some other names, it should be noted that all great lives are under-guarded by some sets of rules or principles. The rules may be codified in black and white or filed away in the mental cabinet; but they are there. No great life is achieved by accident. Understandably, Samson’s parents asked the angel for ‘’the boy’s rule of life’’. Those without rules of life can hardly end up being rulers.