Money and wisdom are identified in Ecclesiastes 7:12 as defences, prioritizing the latter as supreme. In our previous meditation, we mentioned that the name of the Lord is a defence. Calling on the Lord’s name can shield you from evil machinations. However, to make the most of God’s name, we must first of all, learn what it means to hearken to Him. Our text is an open Cheque because it is addressed to “whoever”. It gives the assurance of dwelling in safety, free from fear of evil. Is it possible to be shielded from evil in a dark world where the devil holds sway? God’s word says yes! The secret is in hearkening to the Lord. Remarkably, the fear of evil does sometimes carry greater torment than the evil itself, but liberty is in the Lord Jesus.
The word “hearken” matches our modern use of the word listen. It is only those who listen to the Lord that will be free from the fear of evil. This throws up some thoughts. To listen is more than taking in information intelligently. It goes with the implication of obedience. In other words, it is only those who give God the opportunity to instruct them and follow through with obedience that will be able to escape the perils of the hour. This is not what should be done at leisure; it must be at all times. The time has come for us to tune in to God afresh to hear what He has to instruct. God’s voice will safeguard you against the perils of the times in which we live.