We honour God in different ways. Psalm 96:8 listed two of the ways by which we honour Him – “Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come into His courts.” Take note that after the command to “give to the Lord the glory due His name”, you have a semicolon. What follows is the practical way to carry out the injunction. The first thing mentioned is offering. It is important to note that what we give to God does not in any way influence His worth. He owns everything to begin with. However, our offerings make a bold statement that we honour Him. Think of it this way: if someone gives something to a billionaire, it is not helping him or her, it is just honour. Then the Bible says we should come into His courts. We find time for whom or what we value. If we truly value God, we must express that through regular attendance of corporate worship. Those who honour God are in David’s league, a man who was glad when he heard that it was time to go into the house of God.
Our text reveals another way to honour God, and that is by obeying Him… obeying God is an expression of faith.
Our text reveals another way to honour God, and that is by obeying Him. Noah did not just take a mental note of all that God said about the dimensions of the ark, he went ahead to execute them. He obeyed even when it made no sense. No matter our worldview, disobedience dishonours God. Obeying God is proof that we love Him. Jesus said to His disciples, “If you love me, obey my commandments.” (John 14:15 NLT). Finally, obeying God is an expression of faith. When the hall of faith opened in Hebrews 11, Noah was listed among them because he obeyed and built the ark as God commanded.