Believers share some of the ironic descriptions of the Master. We know that the Bible describes the Lord as Lamb on the one hand and as Lion on the other hand. The same Bible describes the people of God as sheep and worms. However, reading from our text we see another picture of God’s people – they are described as God’s armies! This comes with several implications. Primarily we need to know that armies of nations are not set up for fanfares; they are for battles. Essentially the role of an army is to contend with the enemy and preserve the territorial integrity of the nation. It is no different for believers. We are to fight off the pervading influence of Satan’s culture, defend the integrity of God’s Kingdom, and stand up for the King and His cause. That believers have a battle to fight is clear from a Messianic psalm. In Psalm 110 we read of the Lord Jehovah asking the Messiah to sit at His right hand until He has reduced all His enemies to mere footstool. By whose hands will the enemies of the Lord be made as footstool? Invariably, it has to be by the armies of the Lord.
“God’s army has an advantage. We are not fighting for victory, but we are fighting from victory… As long as our loyalty to King Jesus is unquestionable, no foe will assail.“
God’s army has an advantage. We are not fighting for victory, but we are fighting from victory. Jesus the Captain has already overcome and we are just called to follow in His trail. It is also an advantage to know that besides having overcome, Jesus promised that He would never leave or forsake us. So we have the confidence that the Lord is on our side, and we will not fear what man could do against us. Finally, we have an advantage that our weapons of war, though not physical, are dynamic because we channel them through God. As long as our loyalty to King Jesus is unquestionable, no foe will assail.