Our previous meditation focused on the fact that success in any endeavour is a joint venture. We will reemphasize that today; however, from Paul’s experience. Paul was in a Roman jail when he wrote the epistle to the Philippians. There are proofs in that epistle that showed that Paul enjoyed spiritual and material support from the brethren in Philippi, a region of Macedonia. The first reference is the one we have cited as our meditation today. Just as Paul was praying for the brethren, they in turn were praying for his release. Paul waxed confident that the prayer of the saints would stimulate supply from the Spirit of Christ and that would translate to his freedom. The second reference is in chapter 4. There the Apostle acknowledged the provision that the brethren had sent to him. Through their generosity, they became co-burden bearers with Paul.
“If we are surrounded by affectionate love, we can face the worst of storms. It is important that we build godly, loving relationships long before needs arise.”
It is a medical certainty that when sick persons have a strong support base from loved ones they tend to pull through quicker even from most debilitating diseases. This is true of other problems that confront us. If we are surrounded by affectionate love, we can face the worst of storms. It is important that we build godly, loving relationships long before needs arise. Such relationships will come to the rescue in trying days. Either in our quest for success or seeking to pull through tough seasons of life, there will always be the need for a circle of helpers. It is unwarranted pride for anyone to think that they can make it alone or unassisted. Here is a final thought: in your own days of peace some others may be having tough times. Be mindful of them as well.