The lead scripture for today’s meditation gives insight into the village life of ancient Israel. Usually young maidens were saddled with the responsibility of drawing water from central wells, typically located at the outskirts. They were always at the mercy of archers who could rob them. Moses once delivered the daughters of the Priest of Midian from such marauders. It was such deliverance that Deborah the prophetess asked the people of God to celebrate. The critical thing for us today is to examine the idea of rehearsing the righteous acts of the Lord. To rehearse is to go over a list of items; it is to repeat something such as a story. Those who would grow in the art of praising God must keep account of the acts of God in their lives and in creation.
Those who would grow in the art of praising God must keep account of the acts of God in their lives and in creation.
It should be emphasized that it is not enough to praise God only once for an act; otherwise, there would be no need to rehearse. It is perfectly normal to thank God over and again for any given kindness of God in your life. This brings us to the Christmas story. Every year at this time, people gather in different places re-telling the story of Christ’s birth. His birth brought hope to humanity. For those who have received Him as the Saviour, it is no less an act of deliverance from the “archers”. So this story of deliverance must be rehearsed regularly, and simultaneous praise should burst out to God. Angels sang and worshipped when Christ was born. As we mark His birth this year, let us join the angelic train in praise to the Almighty for the great gift of salvation.