A characteristic of the fallen nature is loving the forbidden. Adam received an express command to not eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil amid the garden. The tempter came subtly to Eve and made it desirable until she fell for it. She, in turn, made her husband partake of it. The consequence of this was nakedness, shame, and ejection from the garden. It was their introduction to stress and struggle which they passed down to the human race.
A characteristic of the fallen nature is loving the forbidden…God does not give out meaningless instructions…God’s word will always play out. If we love what He hates, we put our relationship with him in jeopardy.
We have proof of this tendency in Solomon. Generally, the people of God were warned against inter-marriages with idolatrous nations. For kings, the bar was even raised higher. Not only were they forbidden from marrying women of other nations, but they also were not to multiply wives to themselves. Solomon flagrantly disobeyed these injunctions. He married heathen women in their numbers. These women eventually turned his heart away from the Lord. His love for many strange women took a toll on his earlier affection for God. God does not give out meaningless instructions. His warnings are not empty threats either. God’s word will always play out. If we love what He hates, we put our relationship with him in jeopardy.