From the very first chapter of the Bible, we are introduced to the power of words. After surveying the world which was without form and void, Spirit-energized word of God began to put things in their proper places. “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:3-4 NKJV. The New Testament also literally began with words. Before the public launch of His ministry, Jesus went on a long fast. After the 40-day period, the tempter came with a barrage of temptations. Each round of temptation was rebuffed by Jesus with the spoken words. So through words, God created the world and contained Satan.
So through words, God created the world and contained Satan…We are of God; therefore, there is power in our words. Whatever we say continually set the course of our future. Never say what you will not like to see.
It is important to state that we can never improve on God’s method. It is equally important that learning to imitate God is not only a sign of wisdom but also a demonstration that we are his children. “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.” Ephesians 5:1 NKJV. We are of God; therefore, there is power in our words. Whatever we say continually set the course of our future. Never say what you will not like to see. You may be pressured by situations around you to speak negatively, but always look at what God says about that situation and speak it. It has been said that people will always rise and fall to the level of their words. Refuse to let your words send your life down the spiral.