Another online survey surfaced recently. Without listing options, people were asked to state what would put a smile on their faces presently. One mentioned the healing of her mother. Another stated that entry visa to Canada would do it. However, more than 50% of the respondents mentioned money as what would make them happy. Today is the third day in a row that we are learning of people’s inordinate affection for money. Money has its place in life. Our world is based on a system of exchange, and money is the primary medium of that exchange. So we cannot undermine the place of money. The problem we are dealing with is the mistake people make, presuming it is the pivotal on which everything else revolves – including happiness. Those with this mindset may find out that when they finally have the breakthrough, other things have broken down in the course of their inordinate ambition. To that extent, the happiness they envisaged turns to a mirage.
The disciples of Jesus returned from their mission and brought wonderful reports. They had preached the message as commanded. They also witnessed the devils submit to the power of God and were ecstatic. Jesus picked holes in what they were rejoicing about. Having devils under control, as important as that was, should not have been the source of their joy. The real deal is that their names are written in heaven. Of all the responses, I did not find a single person who said they would be happy if any of their family members got born again. Life in God and hope of eternity in heaven is the greatest source of happiness. If you are born again, you can rejoice in hope even in the face of the toughest battle of life.