James got to the root of the scandalous behaviours among the brethren concerning jealousy and bickering. It was because of their lusts. They wanted what they saw with others, and when they could not lay hands on them, they resorted to quarrels. James thought that was unnecessary. They could have prayed instead. They did not have because they did not ask. Jesus taught the disciples to ask, seek, and knock. Those who ask would receive, those who seek would find, and everyone who knocks would have the door open for them. The brethren failed in this. Here we find one of the reasons for unanswered prayer is not praying! That seems trite to say, but it is the fact. There is no guarantee of receiving answers to what was never made a subject of prayer; the only exception being God’s sovereign will and providence.
“There is no guarantee of receiving answers to what was never made a subject of prayer; the only exception being God’s sovereign will and providence…Prayer is not a means for indulging our fleshly tastes.”
Besides those who did not have because they failed to pray, James identified a second category of brethren who prayed but never received as well. This group is the focus of our text today. What was the reason for their unanswered prayer? They wanted the product of their prayers to serve their sinful desires. Here we understand that prayer is not a tool designed to satisfy every one of our whims. Prayer is not a means for indulging our fleshly tastes. The desire of a child of God should be a closer walk with God. When what is asked will bring into closer proximity, God will graciously avail us. However, God is not bound to grant what will get us wallowing in the murky water of sin and the world.