“We gain wisdom by observation.”
“If we reduce the things of God to mere comedy, we forfeit their inherent power.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, THE NAME OF THE LORD, APR 29, 2023
“Recognising the Spirit every day and on every occasion, will allow us to enjoy more of His reality.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MORE OF THE SPIRIT -2, APR 27, 2023
“It is also by recognising the Holy Spirit that we will be able to access all that He has to offer.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MORE OF THE SPIRIT -1, APR 26, 2023
“he absence of righteousness accounts for fraud, violence, and general unrest.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, ACCORDING TO PROMISE, APR 25, 2023
“It is scarier when you discover that even thoughts and motives will be weighed.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, ALL SEEING-EYES, APR 24, 2023
“Our manner of life should be such that brings people to Christ and not drive them away.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST, APR 23, 2023
“Making the most of life is about living life to its full potential.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, MAKE THE MOST OF LIFE, APR 22, 2023
“An unbridled appetite for pleasure, even when legitimate, is antithetical to the spirit of sensitivity.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, SENSITIVITY -4, APR 21, 2023
“No matter where you are, guard your heart with all diligence and be sure nothing tampers with your capacity to connect with God.”
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, SENSITIVITY -3, APR 20, 2023