I remember wearing a lace material to a function several years ago. It was the material that I used to mark my 40th
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, SET THE STAGE, FEB 3, 2022
I remember wearing a lace material to a function several years ago. It was the material that I used to mark my 40th
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, SET THE STAGE, FEB 3, 2022
Jesus has been adjudged the best teacher to have walked the planet earth. His approach to teaching was always
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, POWER OF STORY, FEB 2, 2022
The presence of adversaries does not mean we cannot go forward and attain; it only means there is a battle to fight.
Here we understand that our victory is not determined by resources and resoluteness alone; it comes primarily from the presence of the Living God. In several portions of the scriptures, we have the promise of God to be with us.
Whether you sit at home or in your office, commuting or on the field, you must learn to practice the presence of God. A little pause and a little meditation, a little word of prayer every now and then will usher us into God’s manifest presence.
Where you have the presence of God, you can expect to have at least three things in place. Firstly, expect the power of God to save, heal, and deliver.
In order to get the Church back to its apostolic power and glory, there must of necessity be a paradigm shift. The dichotomy between the priests and the laity has to go; and the role of what we call the five-fold ministry gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) must be re-examined.
The Bible speaks copiously about gentleness. It is a vital qualification for ecclesiastical office. Anyone aspiring to the office of the Bishop is expected to be gentle. That office comes with enormous power and responsibility. Without gentleness, the power will be used to harm people rather than lead to godly edification.
We have all the ‘’tools’’ we need to do the job. If the job is undone it will not be for absence of tools; it would be for our failure to appropriate all that God has made available. Believers have what it takes to excel in all we lay our hands to.
The Bible does not condemn humour but frowns at obscenities and profanities. Christians who are comfortable when indecency is churned out in the name of humour need to re-examine themselves. If humour opens the gate of knowledge or lift someone’s spirits without being blasphemous, it is welcome.