The good life is only possible as we obey the Lord. The reason why many people fail to obey the Lord is that they are busy counting the cost of saying yes.
The good life is only possible as we obey the Lord. The reason why many people fail to obey the Lord is that they are busy counting the cost of saying yes.
Righteousness will open the door of favour, and it is by the same righteousness that the door remains open.
Favour does not only manifest in terms of physical deliverables and waivers, it also includes being shielded from the plots of the enemy.
When favour is at work, rules and norms are set aside, even if only temporarily. We see that in Esther. She went to see the king though she was uninvited.
Information will come to you that may appear threatening. Things will develop around you that may cause panic; but if you learn to shape them into prayers, you will be a happy soul.
In the recent past, we have had cause to examine why the Lord described riches as deceitful. Two things stood out then;
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, APOSTOLIC FERVOUR, FEB 28, 2022
In our previous meditation, we learned that power and possession can be put to good use for advancing divine purposes.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, A BIGGER FUTURE, FEB 27, 2022
In the parable of the sower contained in Matthew 13, Jesus explained that the seed that fell among thorns are those who allowed
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, POWER AND POSSESSION, FEB 26, 2022
When people want to wax stoical about negative words they resort to the saying that hard word breaks no bone. While
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, HOW TO LIVE HEALTHY -3, FEB 25, 2022
How seriously do people and governments take the issue of health? The statistics will give us some clues. In 2019,
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, HOW TO LIVE HAELTHY -2, FEB 24, 2022