Providence is defined as divine guidance or care. It is conceived as God’s power, covertly sustaining and guiding human destiny.
Providence is defined as divine guidance or care. It is conceived as God’s power, covertly sustaining and guiding human destiny.
Exemption could be given en bloc or to individuals. Elijah was one example of an individual who enjoyed God’s exemption clause.
I don’t even see how you can make it up the ladder without being faithful and enthusiastic at the mundane level. God would normally test us at some seemingly insignificant level.
If we must succeed, we must arm ourselves with the mind-set of overcoming obstacles. If we are to reach the finish line, we must be ready to clear the hurdles.
What was Elijah’s source of power? It is clear that the secret of his power was prayer. A number of instances were recorded in the Bible, painting the picture of a mighty, praying man.
The meaning of Obadiah is “serving Jah” or “servant of Jah”. Obadiah truly lived out the meaning of his name. He served God in an unusual way.
on’t let fear paralyze you from giving as at when due. Come to think of it this way: God gave His only begotten Son to the world.
The confession of Elijah here, who claimed he was standing before the Lord, is similar to that of angel Gabriel when he brought news to Zechariah.
This goes to show that moments may come upon us when all learning or expertise we can boast of will not be enough to save us. On that day, Peter’s skill failed him.
Rather than panic, believers should know that this world is running its course as it is planned. Secondly, we should demonstrate the type of confidence that we see in the psalmist.