Long is not synonymous with good! By all standards, Enoch had a good life because God approved him.
Long is not synonymous with good! By all standards, Enoch had a good life because God approved him.
Man’s dominion was contingent on his formation in the image and likeness of God. To begin with, what do we mean by saying that man was made in the image and likeness of God?
What the Psalmist said in effect was that God was his all in all. As with the Psalmist, so is it with every one of us. This text brings to light, Paul’s word as penned down in Acts 17:28
All these point to one thing; the Christian life is only possible by the Spirit. It is here one must agree with C. H. Spurgeon when he said, “Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless.”
We should also be reminded that Jesus already got the victory. We are only called into what He has already finished.
Whenever we read the word or listen to it being expounded by anointed teaching ministries, we are to respond.
The entities called heaven and earth, came by the wisdom of God. That leads us to the first lesson. If God needed wisdom to create all things, we equally need wisdom to make sense of our individual worlds.
It takes the help of God to rein in on that boundless energy to avoid or at least minimize regrets in the future.
Believers in Christ who have the promise of abiding and imperishable crown should not count any sacrifice too heavy to make.
He took the blows for our sins so we won’t have to take it. He took the blows for our sicknesses and diseases so we won’t have to be under their buffeting powers.