When it comes to technology and being social media savvy, the older generation must defer to the younger ones. My last son saw me typing something with long digits, one after the other. He came to my rescue when he instructed me to highlight, copy and paste. That helped to cut the chase. Much before that encounter, my second son said something that became quite instructive to me. I was out of the country at the time. I told him to be online at a particular time of the day so I could communicate with him. It was then he told me, “I am always available even if I am invisible”. I am sure he did not understand the spiritual weight of that statement.
God is always available even if He is invisible…the invisible things of God can be discerned through those things that are made manifest.
God is known for many attributes. In our text, four things are attributed to Him – He is eternal, immortal, invisible, and wise. Let’s focus on His invisibility. Because we don’t see Him, we may be tempted to think that He is distant from us or assume that He is an absentee God. However, God is always available even if He is invisible. This is the problem; as humans, we love to relate with what we can see, feel, and touch. In the absence of these, we must learn the importance of connecting with God through faith. This is why the Book of Hebrews says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 NKJV. While we cannot see God with our natural eyes, we should be reminded that the invisible things of God can be discerned through those things that are made manifest. We see the sun and the moon; the birds fly swiftly in the air. All these are pointing to God who is Almighty.