When we need God’s guidance, we must be ready to dislodge age-long biases that we have allowed to hedge us in. Without this, the plans and purposes of God for our lives may be jeopardized. When God was ready to extend the coast of the Church and the influence of Peter, He gave him a trance. In the trance, Peter saw all kinds of animals which, according to Jewish dietary laws, were unclean. Peter had never eaten any of such. But that was what he was commanded to eat in that encounter. That was why he protested. God was not showing him literal animals for food. It was a picture God drew for the Apostle to make him overcome the line of segregation that had existed between the Jews and the gentiles before then.
“Every destiny requires a helping hand. What is not in our power to decide is who exactly God will send. It is also not in our power to decide who we will like to help.”
Every destiny requires a helping hand. What is not in our power to decide is who exactly God will send. It is also not in our power to decide who we will like to help. All these are determined by the Lord. What is required of us is to maintain an open mind, ready to receive into our lives everyone God would send without drawing boundaries; while at the same time we maintain the attitude of Prophet Isaiah who said, “Here am I, send me”. When Peter released himself to the will of the Lord, he was able to move into new territory; the coast of his ministry was extended. There can hardly be any physical expansion of coast without first of all dealing with the limitations imposed by past misconceptions.