The last meditation closed with an abridged version of Hebrews 10:20, stating that Jesus is the new and living way. For further light, we recall that verse in full for our devotion today. “By a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh.” The access created to the Father by Jesus was made possible through His death. Linking this up with our text for today’s meditation, we see love defined in its highest and purest form. Jesus considered love as the willingness to “lay down”. Lay down what? Everything! Love will require the laying down of one’s selfish interest. It involves laying down of time, talent, and treasure. Those for whom we are ready to lay down things are the ones we truly love. And the extent to which we are willing to lay down is the extent to which we love. All that is to say this: love is not cheap!
Jesus considered love as the willingness to “lay down”. Lay down what? Everything! Love will require the laying down of one’s selfish interest. It involves laying down of time, talent, and treasure.
Jesus not only demonstrated the greatest and the purest love by laying down His life for us, but He also invited us to this type of love. The Bible teaches us to grow into this type of love. Love is in degrees, the highest form being what Jesus did. Our love for God should grow to a level where we do not count our lives dear to us, and have become willing to lay everything down for His glory. However, we cannot attain this lofty height unless we start practicing love from the mundane level. Believers are to grow up to His level in all things, love included. The journey starts when we desire to attain His level and continually look to Him for the required grace.