Finally, obeying God is an expression of faith. When the hall of faith opened in Hebrews 11, Noah was listed among them because he obeyed and built the ark as God commanded.
Finally, obeying God is an expression of faith. When the hall of faith opened in Hebrews 11, Noah was listed among them because he obeyed and built the ark as God commanded.
God gives attention to details. When He asked Noah to build an ark, He did not leave him to figure out the details.
In order to make progress in life we must make an honest assessment of things, and be ready to let go of sin, habit, or whatever else it is that might affect us from going as far as God had designed. There is no better time to do this than now.
To be victorious we have to constantly invoke the knowledge of who we are and our position in Him. The devil must take to his heels once you let him know you are light, and you live in God
Choose to serve God to the best of your ability; He will figure out the reward that will suit you perfectly.
To be more perceptive, intentionality is required. Besides, we must be in constant communion with the Spirit of God and be obedient to His promptings.
Our songs must reflect grace; they are either building up an altar of worship unto God or edifying our soul unto more Christ-likeness. Songs are like food; they don’t leave us the same. Once we ingest any food it either builds us up or cause disaster for the body.
But he who knows that where he is going is good, and invites others to come along operates in love and should be commended. Every Christian ought to be able to say to the world, FOLLOW ME… I AM BEHIND CHRIST.
So this story of deliverance must be rehearsed regularly, and simultaneous praise should burst out to God. Angels sang and worshipped when Christ was born. As we mark His birth this year, let us join the angelic train in praise to the Almighty for the great gift of salvation.
Whenever the light of God shines, something extra-ordinary happens. That light shone upon one Saul of Tarsus who we later know as Paul. The light arrested him from his mischievous mission.