Now we understand that the weather could be the tipping point. A stranger met fortuitously could be all that is needed to release the Kairos moment. Only those who recognise this can do significant things in life.
Now we understand that the weather could be the tipping point. A stranger met fortuitously could be all that is needed to release the Kairos moment. Only those who recognise this can do significant things in life.
A dictionary defines the word convenience as that which is close by or does not require much effort. Those who always wait for convenient seasons hardly do much for God or themselves. Felix did not realize this fact, so he failed to seize the moment.
First, people are becoming increasingly averse to correction. Nobody seems to be ready to hear that they are wrong. Inability to accept correction is a sure way to destruction as in the case of this young man.
The lesson is that we can get more out of our prayer life if we put things in order. Learning to set order may not come easy, but the results will justify the efforts.
Onesimus means profitable! He truly proved profitable for Paul’s ministry. Two of his epistles were written through him; that is Colossians and Philemon. Before this height of profitability, however, a lot of patient grooming had taken place.
If you think your output is not corresponding to your labour, you are in need of a word from the Lord. A word from the Lord becomes a word of faith in your mouth; and that will be sufficient for positive results.
For Paul, those scars were his badge of honour, one that could be worn proudly. So, the first type of scars breeds shame, and the latter type, glory. You should not be ashamed for the price you pay for the gospel; it is your badge of honour and will serve the basis for your reward in heaven.
From that moment on they shifted their focus from what their body was telling them to what God was saying. Make the switch today; focus on what God is saying in the face of other contrary opinion.
After we have learned to abide by God’s will, then comes time for passionate prayer. Elijah’s passion could be rated seven-star! He kept asking his servant to go seven times until the cloud of rain appeared.
Believers have mutual obligations to one another, and two of them are listed in this verse. The first is for a guilty party to confess to the aggrieved. He who confesses his fault demonstrate two things. He exhibits humility.