As can be seen from our text, God seemed to have indirectly warned him to brace up for even tougher times. There is a minimum level of endurance you have to develop to make good on God’s plan for your life.
As can be seen from our text, God seemed to have indirectly warned him to brace up for even tougher times. There is a minimum level of endurance you have to develop to make good on God’s plan for your life.
Our thoughts are sometimes as powerful as formal prayer, if not more. Thought matters; otherwise, Jesus would not have on several occasions challenged the people who thought wrongly. There is a divine flow into our lives when we learn to harmonise our thoughts in line with God’s word and all that is noble.
He defined himself in the context of God’s purpose for his life. The true identity of a man is his mission, and that mission can only be found in God. When you locate yourself in God’s overall plan, life takes on a new meaning.
Giving correct image of yourself is not only by your speech. The way you dress, where you are found, and where you stand on issues tell a lot about you. Remember this: everyday people are either correcting or confirming the image they have about you. Your ultimate goal should be to portray the image of Christ to the world so that they might glorify God in you.
Finally, our text shows one important safety valve to prevent anger from crossing into sin. We are warned not to allow anger to stay overnight. The general idea here is to be pacifiable. Even when you have a valid ground to be angry, you may enter a red zone if you stay too long in anger.
The Spirit and the conscience are given to pilot safely to our sweet haven. They provide us with safety valves in our journey. To neglect their whispers and cries is to court dangers.
It is not in what we have; it is in the application. The word of God holds a promise for those who follow every prescription to the last letter. And it is not just about doing it a while, it is about committing to it as life-time principle. God’s word will always work for those who work it!
Many of the things people attribute to curses are mere manifestations of not taking heed to patterns. Everything God wants done on earth has a pattern in heaven. And every life that God allowed to come to the earth is designed with a specific purpose and pattern.
Optimism is an offspring of faith. There is no way you can say you walk in faith without having the spirit of optimism permeating what you say and do…However, we should be careful of blind optimism that only borders on pride and arrogance.
Our calling is to live in such a way as to model Christ to the world and make them willing to embrace our God. Always remember this: whenever you act or speak, you are dispensing something; but it is only when you dispense the fragrance of Christ that the world is better for it.