The tenth commandment forbade covetousness. It forbids going after what one’s neighbour has. A case of forceful
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, LIFE CODES -5, MAR 5, 2022
The tenth commandment forbade covetousness. It forbids going after what one’s neighbour has. A case of forceful
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, LIFE CODES -5, MAR 5, 2022
As Nigeria was getting ready for general elections in the last year of Obasanjo’s presidency, a brother sought my
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, LIFE CODES -4, MAR 4, 2022
Today we turn our attention to the third warning in this chapter, which incidentally is the second regarding food.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, LIFE CODES -3, MAR 3, 2022
The Bible consistently promotes the virtue of hard work. The very first chapter of the Bible introduces us to a working
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, LIFE CODES -2, MAR 2, 2022
Life has governing principles which we may call life codes. Those who make the most of life are those who have mastered these codes.
-Simeon Afolabi, B&W, LIFE CODES -1 -1, MAR 1, 2022
The second part of our text shows that the enemies were stupefied seeing what they thought was impossible standing before them. The intimidators became intimidated; because a man prayed and drew down necessary resources from God.
To all intent and purposes, the king’s delicacies with which Daniel and his colleagues were to be nourished were intimidating. It was a situation where a privilege could lead to compromise of faith in God and a turning down of His statutes. So they refused the king’s offer.
He overcame the intimidation and went on to take the city. With God on your side, you can silence the noise of intimidation and march on to attain your place in destiny.
Spiritual discipline of prayer and studying the word, plus the willingness to practice what is taught is the gateway to maturity. Those who desire growth will go through repeated course of self-examination, looking for what next to lay aside in exchange for a new level in Christ.
To succeed in earnest is to first determine what God would have you do, and having known it to pour your energy wholly in its pursuit. Success in the eye of God cannot be achieved by ‘’copy and paste’’ attitude. You cannot wholly adopt what someone else is doing and make that your preoccupation.