A key factor to our ascent in life, therefore, remains a teachable heart. Those who come with the humble disposition that they have not mastered all things will be shown the way to go higher in life.
A key factor to our ascent in life, therefore, remains a teachable heart. Those who come with the humble disposition that they have not mastered all things will be shown the way to go higher in life.
Venturing into anything without God’s help could have disastrous consequences. If there is anything that is most needful to covet, it is the help of God. We have been promised help; it is about time we claimed it.
Looking at the negative past will ruin sense of esteem and worth. Once you bring your past before the Lord, leave it there. It is time to look forward to the new things that God has in mind for us.
It is God’s own prerogative to work out vengeance in His own way and at His chosen time. To seek out vengeance by ourselves is to take on a role that is strictly reserved for God. It will be absurd for man to usurp God’s role.
We can have no better assurance of freedom from all fears than that which our text conveys. If it is God’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom, we have it on good authority that there is nothing else troubling us that He won’t take over.
We will not be in a position to enjoy the unlimited power of God unless we meet certain conditions, one of which is to trust Him without reservation. Implicit faith in the ability of God to save and deliver is critical to our breakthrough.
Secondly, some people seek God for who He is. This category know and believe that God is worthy of the attention. Finally, some others seek God in response to what He has done for them. This is showing gratitude for the loving kindness of God.
We wait until problems of life loom large, and then we begin to run to God. No doubt, problems have a unique way of stirring people up and turning them to ardent seekers of God. However, this is not what God is looking for. He wants people to seek His face all the time.
We have devoted several of the past meditations to the fantastic ministries of the Holy Spirit. These many ministries are the reason we titled the meditations as INDISPENSABLE SPIRIT. Without the enormous influence of the Spirit, a believer will be a shadow of what true Christianity is.
Finally, our text points to the Holy Spirit as another source of comfort. Despite the persecution that hit the early church, they kept waxing strong, growing in leaps and bounds. The Holy Spirit’s strong comfort cushioned the effects of the persecution.